7:24 PM


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Tuesday, July 24, 2007


This week I'm playing my Monday Madness, since I can SO relate to it! =)

1. Are there any weird "food rules" you have? Feel free to list as many as you like. Well, let's see...
~no sweet food can touch anything NOT sweet on my plate.
~no juice from my veggies can touch anything like mashed potatoes or bread/buns. ick.
~no bread crumbs allowed in the margarine tub!
That's all I can think of for now...
2. When you were growing up, what ONE thing did your parents always remind you of, when it came to meal time (or cooking)? Hmmm..... So many things, and good things at that!
~wash your hands!
~no licking of fingers!
~no double-dipping into things!
~only touch the one you're going to take!
...just to name a few. But like I said, those are just good food etiquette things to remember, ALWAYS! =)
3. Is there anyone you know whose food you won't eat (for one reason or another)? Yes, and not to sound mean, but have you seen some of these kitchens this food comes out of??? I have a good friend whose sink is always filled with dirty dishes, and usually cold, nasty, greasy water in it too, and it makes me wonder how much I want to eat her food. (I hate to say it, but that's the way it is.) No, my kitchen is not spotless always, but I do have clean countertops and sinks and you won't find anything growing in my refrigerator! =) Oh, and then there's those wonderful church potlucks; if I don't know who made it, I generally don't want to eat it. (I know, snotty, huh?) Oh yeah, and there's this one person that we often see (no, not any of MY family) that licks her fingers while serving cake or ice cream. yuk, yuk, yuk!!!
4. Is there anything you "specialize" in cooking, that people actually ask for? I'm not known for my cooking skills, but I can make a mean pan of enchiladas. I've actually had people ask for them.
5. When you were growing up, what one meal do you remember as being your favorite? I LOVED the pizzas we'd make. Always from that frozen bread dough and always a bunch of them, and my mom would pile the goodies on top! YUM! (I remember once my dad put corn flakes on top of his.) Good memories...
6. Today, what is your IDEAL meal? Not to sound overly health-conscious or anything, but I really DO like chicken breast on top of rice pilaf, and brocolli on the side (or shall I say in a separate bowl).

said    at 8:03 AM

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