11:06 AM


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Saturday, March 31, 2007


Almost 2 months since my last post. I REALLY need to get back to the swing of things! Just when I think things are going to slow down and I'll be able to spend more time doing what I really like to do, I realize that my daughter is going to graduate in 2 months and life before that is busy, and life after that and in between sending her off to college is going to be busy. We're currently in the process of preparing our yard for summer. We've spent just about the whole day outside burning wood and cleaning up around the former piles. Last weekend we spent all of Sunday afternoon cutting (trimming) our lilac bushes and apple tree, and cleaning THAT up. You got to remember, we have to work when we can, since the weather can really rule what you DO and what you DON'T do around this part of the country. =)

Well, off to take the kid somewhere. I'll be back before you know it!

said    at 5:39 PM

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