6:44 PM


Live with richness, joy and true fulfillment. Live beyond yourself.

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The current mood of ottosite at www.imood.com



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Monday, January 15, 2007


I just updated to the NEW blogger. I don't know why... Is it that much different? We'll see. I've been coming up with all kinds of excuses to justify my absence from here but I don't believe any of them. I know since I moved back here it seems I have been negligent on all of my computer stuff I used to do. Is it because husbands require that much attention?? I can't imagine that's the case. Yes, we've done some major remodeling and no, it's not done yet, but honestly, it's not a project that goes on 24 hours a day 7 days a week, you know? There IS more house to keep up (that's a good thing) and I do have more to do around here but still. Why can't I motivate myself??? I even started a new look by drawing and designing some new buttons and such for this place. That's as far as I got. My mom usually motivates me by keeping her blog updated and in joining the photo challenges and stuff. I decided to join in on this newest one for 2007. If you're interested, go 26 Things. Plus, she's updated here homepage and working on updating more of it. I'll see how far I get. Wish me luck. I started making Thank You cards the other day with some new, fun gadgets I got for Christmas and it took me 3 days to get 11 cards done. I think I put too much thought into things then lose my focus. Anyway, look for some new things on here and some old things taken off. My calendars; maybe I'll try a new style. My other stuff? Maybe I'll add to that soon. Time will tell. I hope you're all doing well and this new year brings good things your way!! =)

said    at 8:37 PM

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