9:10 AM


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Monday, October 16, 2006


From this week's Monday Madness...

Name 10 things you'd do if you had more time.
~Scrapbook MORE!
~Update my blog and other websites more often.
~Finish my cross stitch projects that I started years ago.
~Visit my family MORE!!! (should be #1, eh?)
~Take more mini-trips to get the 'perfect' photo!
~Visit more blogs.
~Print out pictures to put in the frames we hung in our hobby room 2 weeks ago.
~Clean my refrigerator out! (Not because I want to, either.)
~Organize my photos and put them on dvd's.
~Walk every day, 4 times around the land we own behind our house (aka back yard) so I know I've walked a mile a day, at least.

SO, do you have a spare moment? Go visit Monday Madness (link above) and give it a try! Meanwhile, have yourself a great Monday and a fabulous week!! =)


said    at 9:24 AM

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Woo Hoo!! I got my dress for the wedding; and all the accessories too! I bought the first dress I tried on. Can you believe it??? I really thought I was in for an evening of trying on a million dresses and not liking the way any of them fit, but I really got lucky. The dress itself is pretty plain, but it's got a jacket-type thing with it and the jacket has sparkly thingies on it. So it really looks elegant. It's floor-length and I don't even have to hem it up!! I'm very excited. I bought shoes to go with it, a necklace, bracelet and earrings. I'm all set. Now I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with my hair.

Anyway, I was so excited, I just had to share. Have a wonderful day and a wonderful week ahead!! =)


said    at 8:52 AM

Monday, October 09, 2006


We finally had nice weather over the weekend; so the yard sale went ahead as scheduled. And it was a big success! I live out in the country, on a road where people drive anywhere from 55 to 70 mph and they're not looking for yard sales! BUT, we put signs on either side of our driveway, far enough away for people to slow down and pull in, and we had a decent number of visitors. AND, I've got almost enough money saved up now, to buy the thing I was saving my change for. =) My mom came over yesterday and helped out, and we had a nice time visiting while making money! Thanks, Mom!

It's now less than two weeks before my stepson gets married. I have to buy a dress. My husband and I will be going out this afternoon to see what I can find. I'll really be glad when the wedding's over. The bride-to-be called last night and wondered if the courthouse would be open today, since it's Columbus Day, a national holiday here in the U.S., and I told her to go online and check. They still need to get their marriage license, and they have to obtain it in the county they're being married in. They live in Chicago, and getting married here in mid-Michigan. They're supposed to be going back to Chicago this morning but I guess they'll wait and find out if the courthouse is open first. If not, they don't plan on coming back to Michigan until next Wednesday. And since there's a 3-day waiting period from the day you apply for your marriage license and the day it will actually be valid (or whatever), next Wednesday will be too late. They may have to come to town a day earlier. As it is, they'll be here most of the week before their wedding. But I'm sure they'll be busy enough that we won't even realize they're here. =) Anyway, I think everything else is going as planned and I'm sure the wedding and reception will go smoothly.

Ok, gotta get to work (since I'm here already). I just wanted to write a few words. Have an awesome week, everyone! =)


said    at 8:43 AM

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