6:51 PM


Live with richness, joy and true fulfillment. Live beyond yourself.

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Sunday, September 24, 2006


I write this special message for my Mom today. Her and my dad would have celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary. God had a different plan; one we may not understand or agree with, but one we cannot control. I know my Dad is with my Mom today and every day; just in a different way. So, this one's for you, Mom:

Nothing can make up for the absence of someone whom we love and it would be wrong to try to find a substitute... That sounds very hard at first, but at the same time it is a great consolation, for the gap, as long as it remains unfilled, preserves the bond between us.

It is nonsense to say that God fills the gap; he doesn't fill it, but on the contrary, he keeps it empty and so helps us keep alive our former communion with each other, even at the cost of pain.

The dearer and richer our memories, the more difficult the separation. But gratitude changes the pangs of memory into a tranquil joy.

We must take care not to wallow in our memories or hand ourselves over to them, just as we do not gaze all the time at a valuable present, but only at special times, and apart from these keep it simply as hidden treasure that is ours for certain.

~Dietrich Bonhoeffer

(I struggled as to whether to keep the last paragraph in or not, but that's how it is written, and I understand what it's saying; I just thought it sounded a bit harsh at first.)

Have a blessed day, all.

said    at 8:32 AM

Friday, September 15, 2006


We were on our way to the store last night and I was sitting at a stop sign waiting for the traffic to clear so I could turn left, there was a truck behind me, and all of the sudden we got rear-ended. Needless to say, I was startled. I couldn't figure out what the driver behind me was thinking. There was clearly traffic coming from both directions on the road I was planning to turn on... Turns out his foot slipped off the clutch and his truck rammed into the back of my car. He was very apologetic and called the police right away. We stood out on the side of the road waiting, for about 20 minutes or so. (It seemed like a long time.) The officer asked each of us (drivers), separately, what happened. He gave me a report number and told me I could go. I know the guy who hit me was very sorry and he kept telling us that he didn't mean to hit me. He said he was grateful that he didn't push me into the traffic. Obviously, no one was happier than us! No one was hurt, and today I called the insurance company, and thankfully, we have broad coverage on our insurance so it will cost me nothing. Since this no-fault thing, if you're involved in an accident, even though it's not your fault, you still have to pay your deductible. Unbelievable... Anyway, we're taking the car in on Monday, I get to drive one of those really "cool" loaner cars (for free!) and I'll get my car back by the end of the week.

Other than that, not much news to report. I made an appointment for my daughter to get her senior pictures taken. The earliest we can get in is the third week in October. It happens to be the same week of the wedding. But it all has to happen, so one day is just as good as the next.

I'll be around more, I think, I hope! I really must update my stuff. It's just been so nice today that I had to get some outside work done. Tomorrow morning we'll be setting up for the shower, and Sunday is the shower. I'll be glad when it's over.

You all take care. Have a fabulous weekend! =)


said    at 6:09 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006


It's drizzling. Since we can't do any outside work, I've convinced my husband that today would be a good day to do all the finishing touches in the kitchen. I'm going to shower and run to the store soon, to look for a few odds and ends we need.

I have some serious updating to do on this site; I noticed a lot of people on my blogroll are no longer blogging. =(

Don't forget to fly your American flag on Monday; 9/11. Have a blessed weekend!


said    at 11:14 AM

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


I thought I'd see how long it takes for peoplel to notice that I'm blogging again. I sure don't blame anyone who doesn't stop by anymore. I wouldn't! =)

Ok, I have to get to work now. I never did post my pictures like I said I would. I fell asleep kind of early and when I woke up it was 1:30 a.m. so I thought I should go to bed instead. I'll try to make that a goal for this evening. Oh, and I bought curtains for my computer room and tore them apart and re-sewed them to fit my windows! =)

Have a great day and see ya soon!


said    at 9:06 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


I figured I better blog before they take it away from me! I also need to change my June calendar to a September one (before October)!

It was back to school for the kid today; I don't think she's too happy about the classes she chose. She says this is going to be one of her hardest years, and she's a senior so she's supposed to be having some fun, right? Well, she IS college-bound, so she may as well get used to it.

We didn't do too much this past weekend; Friday me and my daughter went grocery shopping, putzed around the house and watched some television at night. Saturday I took a ride out to my Mom's to see her and my sister that was here from the other side of the state. She was painting my mom's walls and they sure do look nice! Sunday we stained the front porch and I painted the sides of the back deck (that my husband built a couple of weeks ago) because the wood on the sides is not treated lumber so we thought it should be protected with something. It's actually a porch/deck/floor paint so I guess it'll work. Monday we went to my Mom's to visit and the husband ended up tearing out part of the hearth she wants to re-do. It was nice to go over there and visit for a bit. All in all, not a too productive weekend, but hey, who says we have to always be productive?

Later tonight I'll be posting my 5 pictures for Favorite Five, so look for them later if you want! And play! =)

said    at 8:49 PM

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